
Defense and Security

Implementation of Remote Tower at SANTA CRUZ Air Base | Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Implementation of the Integrated Aeronautical Meteorology Center CIMAER| Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Implementation of the Route Radar | Palmas, TO
Implementation of LENÇÓIS Station VHF| Lençóis, BA
Implementation of FLORIANO Station VHF| Floriano, PI
Infrastructure Implementation for Primary and Secondary Radar | Corumbá, MS
Adequacy of Infrastructure for Radar Replacement | Gama, DF
Implementation of Secondary Radar infrastructure | Vitória, ES
Implementation and Shelter Supply of SGDC – COPE | Brasília, DF
Site Implementation | Curitiba, PR
Site Implementation | Campo do Tenente, PR
Implementation of Antenna at CCOMGEX – 1° BGE | Brasília, DF